Friday, October 5, 2018

12A-Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

We first identified need awareness and through the three interviews discovered that the needs are very similar in terms of when, how, and where there need occurs. The biggest question was at what times do you generally charge your phone. All three had the same answer and this is when they get home from work for a minute and then leave it charging while they are sleeping. Thus, the charging station would be heavily used during the night. These charging patterns reflect Monday thru Friday workers that tend to get home around 4 to 5 in the evening. One of the three interviewees stated that they will sometimes browse information on their phone while it is charging when they get home. They seemed a little concerned over the inconvenience this could pose, but they could adjust to it. I again asked where they tend to need to charge their phone and they all think that about 80 percent of the time they do it at home.
The first thing these people do when looking looking for a solution is see if there is anything reliable on the market that can charge your phone wireless. They look for if it takes any longer the few products that are out there to charge their phone. The final aspect is the cost. They understand that they may have to purchase multiple stations just like chargers so the cost can't be too much. As of right now there is nothing that can meet this need in the form of a car charging station that is wireless and they are fine with that. They have car chargers that they rarely use and are OK with keeping them if they get in a spot. 
Honestly, through the need awareness and information search findings I have more concern than I initially did. This could be a great product and fill a need that the majority of cell phone users have, but the long-term success is up in the air at this point because we are finding situations where they will still have to revert back to a wired charging at some point.  


  1. Hi Brody, I can somewhat relate to the people that you interviewed but I still feel that there is longevity as far as your product. Minimizing to just everyday use is not the best way to optimize the production of your product. However, if you were to use it in the work place or school place it would be more ideal. My reasoning for this is due to less access to outlets so having a large charging station would address this issue.

  2. Hey Brody, I completely see the reason you have concerns that wired charging is still required and would affect your wireless charging solution. However, I feel like more and more people are turning to wireless charging alternatives for the sake of portability so I really think your product would find success in a growing market.

  3. Hey Brody, great work here. I like how you started by identifying need awareness among the target segment.I also think you did a great job interviewing. With the answers you receieved your questions were likely non bias and not open ended, and therefore made for good data and feedback. It seems like you learned a lot from the people you talked to and interviewed.

  4. Hey Brody, great post. Good job by finding out the right target audience for the charging station. People might not like the fact that you can not use it while it is charging, but that is a minor inconvenience that someone can get used to doing. That would be cool if their was a wireless charging station for the car and not just for the home.
