Thursday, October 25, 2018

18A-Create a Customer Avatar

Our prototypical customer or "customer avatar" is a male or female in their 20's or 30's that is involved in the business world. Their hobbies aren't easy to pinpoint, but they are technologically savvy. They tend to drive higher tech cars, usually black or white, but with all of the bells and whistles. These customers have multiple electronic devices when you put together their work devices and their personal ones. Their work tends to require them to do a lot of multi-tasking that drains the batteries on all of their devices. After work they check out from using their devices because they have families that they want to spend time with or they want to relax by possibly watching TV. 

I have a few things in common with the customer avatar that I created. Starting with myself being in the same age group. I also do a lot of multi-tasking between electronic devices and have three devices used regularly. This is absolutely not a coincidence in my eyes, as I came up with this idea because I was also this customer with the unmet need. The only thing that differs with me and avatar I have described is the car I drive and the color of it. I drive a 1999 car that is not white or black and doesn't have many high-tech options. However, this wasn't my choice to drive this car, but rather my best option and if I had to choose I would drive a black car with all of the tech packages. It's not a coincidence as far as I'm concerned.


  1. Hi Brody, another great post. You had many key details as far as the lively hood of your target customer. In addition you targeted the specifics as to where they would need your product and the times they would make use of it. Similar to you I had a lot in common with my target customer. This is due to the fact that I targeted my opportunity to benefit myself and an issue I have on the daily.

  2. Hey Brody, I really liked the customer avatar you created. From the product you are trying to sell and the target segment you've created, I can totally see how this would be a very representative customer avatar. I also really liked how there was natural similarities between you and the avatar because you came up with a product based on an unmet need you had yourself.

  3. Hey Brody, great work as usual. I really liked the detail you went into in creating your avatar. You were able to be clear and concise with who your customer is and I think that is because of the same reason I was able to be that way: we are both our own customers, and therefore are describing ourselves. It's a lot easier to identify someone when that person is you.
