Friday, October 19, 2018

15A-Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

The alternatives to a wireless charging station are wired chargers and charging docks. When I interviewed three people I was curious about these alternatives and needed to understand how they do their picking among the different products. Price is important because electronics aren't cheap. However, the quality matters the most of all, because they are fine with spending a pretty penny for the product as long as it is of good quality that will last a long time. Their current situations generally cause them to go through a couple of chargers every month. In addition all three have had to purchase new phones in the past year because the charging port stopped working. These costs add up and they can be avoided if the product was of better quality. 
Understanding the how and where that these customers purchase these items is important to know. All three of the people I interviewed do their shopping primarily online. Two of them in fact said they use Amazon for almost everything, especially electronics. They will use a debit card or a credit card to make the purchase. They are all the heads of the household and do the majority of the shopping, usually the only one involved in the purchase decision. 
For the purchase to be right and them not to regret it they shouldn't have to buy another one or switch to an alternative anytime in the next year. This tends to be how they judge whether a purchase was a good idea. 
The common thought still seems to be that initial cost isn't the most important thing. They would rather pay for a quality item even if it is more expensive if it will last a long time. In fact, in order to avoid a bad post-purchase evaluation the product needs to be one they don't have to purchase again in the next year. Paying $15 for a charger just for it to break in a month and spend another $15 is not ideal. Plus, the charger breaking the phone withing a year or two then spending $1,000.  


  1. Hey Brody, I really liked that you broke down costs the target segment incurs besides just constantly changing chargers. I had not considered the fact that there are tons of people who buy new phones every year because they have issues with their charging ports. When you analyze the cost behind buying multiple chargers and another phone compared to whatever the cost your wireless charging doc will be, I feel like it is easy to see that the wireless alternative will be much more cost effective.

  2. Hey Brody, great blog post here. I got similar results from my interviews I conducted with people, finding out that quality means a lot more than previously thought, to the consumer. I found out in most cases it actually out ranks the importance of price. Similarly, most of the people I interviewed also primarily shop online, and also mainly prefer shopping through Amazon's online platform.

  3. Great post Brody. When does this exercise I discovered that most people would take quality over quantity. Most of the time if you have the money for the quality product, you will get it. I love the idea you have for the phone charging system. I think it is a great idea and it will work. Good luck with everything.

  4. Hi Brody, once again an amazing post. When looking at my interviews I had similar requirements needed from my customers. Quality was a major component in mine because people do not want to buy something they're going to have to frequently replace. Another, factor was the price that it is based at because people do not want to pay for something that is overpriced.

  5. Hi, Brody. This is a great post. You got a lot of great information to go forward with your product. This will definitely help you out when deciding how and where to sell your product. I think it's interesting that two of my interviewees said that they would buy their products online as well.
