Friday, September 28, 2018

9A-Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: There are people that fall outside the boundary of needing a wireless form of charging for their phones. They have the same things in common, they are iphone users, chargers are always breaking, and the charging port on their phone is eventually a hassle. These people though value what a wired charger is able to do for them though. They value the importance of being able to still use their phone and charge it at the same time for however far their cord reaches.
What: After interviewing the people now that did not have interest in the unmet need I identified it is clear there is always going to be another need. What I proposed was a wireless charging mat, but that would not work for those that want to operate their phone while it is charging.
Why: The needs are essentially the same for both groups of people. They both agree that it would be best to have a wireless way to charge their phone. Those outside the boundary just have a few more needs that would have to be met to make it worth changing from their current situation.

Inside the boundary                                                                               Outside the boundary 

Who is in: Those who have had to buy new phones                           Who is not: Non iphone users 
because their charging port gave out, people tired of going               (to begin with at least) and those
through new chargers because the cord snaps or tears, and               require being able to use their
households that have numerous iphones that would                        phone while charging.
all be able to charge on the same mat.                                          What the need is not: A form of
What the need is: A way to charge their phone                            charging that limits what you are able
that does not require plugging and unplugging                           to do on your phone while it is
that wears down their phone and charger.                                   being charged.
Why the Need Exists: Phones and chargers                               Alternative Explanations: There could
really are not cheap so you can understand the                         still be a need, but it will take a more
frustration of these items not being durable.                            advanced product and cost will likely
                                                                                                  be higher.

Friday, September 21, 2018

8A-Solving The Problem

Most phones that I have owned have eventually had charging ports that begin to wear down and I believe it is designed this way on purpose so that you will have to buy a new phone after a couple years. I understand they are trying to run a profitable business, but phone owners should be able to get more use out of their phone than they are currently getting. What I have found is that a new phone manufacturer is not something that IPhone owners are interested in. They just want a better way to currently charge their IPhone. The product I believe can fill this need is a reliable form of wireless charging. There are already some wireless charging docks and mats out there, but every one I have found has failed to be reliable. Poor reviews and no reviews at all on some wireless charging products is what I have found.
See the source image

Something very similar to this charging pad pictured is the product that I would sell to customers. As you can see the IPhone charger still plugs into the pad, but there is no need to actually plug into the phone. The charging port will not wear down causing customers to have to position the charger at the perfect angle if they even want their phone to charge and eventually wearing down completely. The phones won't last forever because of this as the battery and other functions of the phone will quit working at some point, but the phone life will be prolonged to give customers their moneys worth.

7A-Testing the Hypothesis

Opportunity Hypothesis: An opportunity exists in wireless phone charging to fix the common issue of cell phones chargers breaking and phone charging ports malfunctioning.
The Who: IPhone owners
The What: They are forced to buy a new phone after only a couple years because the charging port begins to give out
The Why: Poor construction of the phone that wears down after plugging and unplugging so many times.
Testing the Who: Other phone owners I'm sure have this need because it is common among phone designers to make phones that will eventually need to be replaced. The first IPhone owner that I chose to interview is currently dealing with this issue and doesn't get their phone charged unless the cord is plugged in at the right angle.
Testing the What: Is it just the charging port on your phone or other aspects that are also wearing down? The battery is draining a little faster, but it would not be an issue if I could charge my phone more frequently.

Summary: To put it simply, there are many IPhone owners out there that desire a better way to charge their phone that won't put as much wear and tear on their charging port that will break eventually. Of the five people I discussed this opportunity with, 4 have had to get new phones at some point because it would no longer charge. What I also found interesting was these people also told me they go through numerous chargers over the course of a phone because even the charger itself is poorly constructed to not withstand everyday wear and tear. I asked the subjects also if they had looked into possibly buying a new type of phone or checking to see if there are alternative charging methods out there. The consensus was that they wanted to stick with IPhone and have explored wireless charging stations, but only one of the interviewees had purchased one. His experience with the charging station was not successful, but agrees that this is the direction someone needs to explore to fix the problem. A wireless form of charging would be in high demand to fix the issue, but it also has be reliable and not quit working after a few uses.   

Friday, September 7, 2018

4A-Forming An Opportunity

1. Recently an opportunity has began to present itself in my families business that I have had an uptick in involvement in over the past couple years. The opportunity is a need for general store items for all of the guests that come stay at our nearby Lake Shelbyville every week to camp.
2. The unmet need is not being fulfilled because it is a solid fifteen to twenty minutes into town from the campground area where we are located along with hundreds of campers each week. The people that have the need are the campers for the most part, but there all also locals that live close by. This has just recently come about because the local bait shop that used to supply visitors with these items closed down. To meet this need, people now are driving all the way into town, taking time away from their vacation. I'm 90 percent sure that this opportunity exists and during the camping season would thrive.
3a. The prototypical customers are the adults and children that come to the lake every week needing items such as: firewood, ice, soda, beer, milk, and many other everyday items they are willing to pay a little bit more for so they don't have to drive in town. The first prototypical customer is the head of household for a four person family camping by the lake for the weekend.
4a. How many times have you had to drive into town this week? 3 times and it takes about an hour out of our day each time. What items at a store nearby would prevent you from having to make trips into town? Soda, water, and beer for starters. Outside of that just some easy and quick supplies for cooking out, hot dogs and burgers.
3b. The next prototypical customer are the kids that come to lake with their families.
4b. Is there anything nearby where you guys camp to get something to eat or drink, a vending machine? Nothing at all, other than the stuff we bring with us or go to town to get. What are some things you would want after a long day on the lake? Somewhere with ice cream and at least a vending machine with soda. It's hot out and we cant't even buy ice cream if we go to town because it will melt back at our camp.
3c. The final prototypical customers are fisherman that come to the lake generally during the middle of the week.
4c. Describe your current needs for general store goods when you come fish and how do you fill them: Currently we always need ice, something to drink, and a quick bite to eat like a sandwich when we go out on the lake. Usually we will wake up well before the sun comes up to drive into a gas station fifteen minutes away to obtain these goods. Or we will get out on the lake and go out of our way to stop at the marina and pick some stuff up. If there was still a bait shop right nearby we could sleep in later and when we get out on the lake be able to spend our time on the water not at the marina.
5. I learned that people really did rely on the bait shop that closed a couple months ago to fulfill their needs when they come to the lake. The consensus seems to be that the long drive to town is a huge inconvenience and takes away from time they would rather spend relaxing on vacation. Like the campground, should we open store it would need to be seasonal, people don't come when the weather gets cold and there is no need to be open then.
7. Some of my thoughts changed after these interactions. The major takeaway was that there is a glaring need for a store and it would be profitable. What surprised me though is it doesn't need to be a very elaborate and large store. Everyone I spoke to has pretty much the same needs and the common theme is simple. You have to be able to adapt to customer feedback especially in this type of business. I need to know what they are looking for and what they will actually purchase. We don't want to purchase perishable foods that will sit on our shelves and later on need to be thrown out. We have to carry exactly what the customers want and also have some convenient services like vending machines for sodas and ice. 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

3A-Your Entrepreneurship

 During the past two years of my life I have been exposed to entrepreneurship and I have been able to experience everything about a business, good and bad. My Father had a business opportunity come up that our family had been familiar with prior, but knew that it would entail much more should he choose to acquire the business. After deciding that now was the right time he went through with purchasing Coon Creek RV Park and Lodge. The initial hurdle with the new venture was the difficulty of hiring affordable help with extremely flexible hours. The park and the lodge fluctuate heavily in terms of being busy and with this so does the need for workers. In order to get his feet under him he needed to call on some family members for help and I was happy to come work for him. Being around the business has been a learning experience for us all and fortunately only once have we really felt the pressures of needing to turn a profit. I have learned how much of a risk launching your own business can be, but also have seen the great benefits when the market demand is high.
 See the source image

I am a Sport Management student at the University of Florida so entrepreneurship isn't necessarily a quality that would be at the forefront of my studies for my future career, but I can absolutely see its applications being useful in many paths. I enrolled in ENT3003 to fulfill a portion of my sport management elective requirement. This wasn't the only reason as there were other course options. Though, out of them all I believed that Principles of Entrepreneurship could potentially be more of service to me than another accounting course for example. I hope to learn more about entrepreneurship and what qualities are necessary for success should I choose to operate a business one day.         

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

2A-Bug List

  1. The rest of my house is cold, but my room is always sticky hot keeping me up at night. Why does the bug exist? My room is furthest in the house from the heating and cooling unit, pumping a lot of cool air into the rest of the hose but bot making it to my room. 
  2. My cell phone does not charge sometimes if the charger isn't resting in my phone at the perfect angle. Why does the bug exist? The charging ports on iPhones are not made well and likely on purpose so the phone will last you 2-3 years and you will have to purchase a new one. 
  3. When people will drive way over the speed limit on the rock road back by my house causing dust to fly everywhere. Why does the bug exist? Well, for one we have rock roads which could be fixed if we forked over the cash and the other is people are in such a big hurry that they can't go the speed limit for the 100 yards of road. 
  4. The signal on my TV will go out sometimes when a large cloud passes over. Why does the bug exist? The service company that set up our DirecTV did not set the satellite up in a very good spot. 
  5. Especially in busy highway traffic when people will fail to use their turn signals and I miss an opportunity to pull out onto the highway. Why does the bug exist? People are often focused on other things than actually driving when they are driving. 
  6. Weather apps that say it is going to rain all day and it never ends up raining a drop. Why the bug exists? Not always their fault as weather does change by the minute, but maybe don't give it such a high percentage chance that I plan certain things expecting rain.
  7. When going to a drive-thru and they forget to give you a straw and napkins. Why the bug exists? They are often understaffed at these restaurants and constantly slammed causing the employees to forget stuff.
  8. I will order something online like a Publix sub and when I go to pick it up at the scheduled time they haven't even started making it yet. Why the bug exists? Another staffing issue where they are offering this online ordering service to cut down on lines but give priority to those in line. Some places get it right and have an employee just responsible for online orders.    
  9. The absolute biggest bug of mine, going to a movie and there are people talking during the entire showing. Why the big exists? Whether it was how they were raised or what, but people that do this have little respect for others. 
  10. Working on something for school, work, or anything that is obviously consuming my attention at that time and friends or family wanting to ask me questions I don't have time for. Why the bug exists? There isn't a great area for me to get away from everyone else for a minute to complete what I need to finish ASAP. 
  11. Being at home or at anyone's house and the paper towels are out in the kitchen and all that is left on the holder is the cardboard from the paper towels. Why the bug exists? The person that grabs the last paper towel decides not to go get a new roll. 
  12. Leaving 2 pieces of candy in a bag or a couple crumbs of chips in a bag. Why the bug exists? The last person to grab some didn't want to be the one that finished them off and threw the bag away.
  13. When the somebody gets the wrong number and keeps calling back even though I answered and told them. Why the bug exists? After finding out the number you have for that person is the wrong number, they fail to delete the contact or change the number. 
  14. Going to any Walmart in the country and watching people leave their shopping carts in the middle of parking spots. Why the bug exists? Truly it's laziness to not walk their cart to one of the designated returns. 
  15. Customers that go to dine at restaurants and make it a mission to complain about everything to the point that free stuff is given. Why the bug exists? They don't understand how unfair that is to the employee that has to deal with it and no matter what they do it's wrong. 
  16. There are stoplights in areas on HWY98 that have no real need for them, but then in a heavy traffic area there isn't one. Why the bug exists? There is certain criteria for putting in a stoplight and it needs to be revisited. 
  17. A machine will be used at the gym and that person will have buckets of sweat pouring off them and when they are done get up and walk away without wiping down the machine. Why the bug exists? No respect for the next person that is going to want to use the machine. 
  18. Employees at the Destin McDonalds drive-thru window not saying anything when you pull up, just throwing the food at you. Why the bug exists? They aren't trained to have any customer service or the personality would just be better suited elsewhere. 
  19. All of those that dig holes on the beaches and don't fill them in. Why the bug exists? Obviously those that come to the beach and vacation are not educated on the dangers this causes for turtles. 
  20. When someone does an interview on TV and they aren't looking at the interviewer, but rather directly into the camera. Why the bug exists? Not really sure on this one. If you watch your interview back you will realize that it is just weird to watch. 
Reflection: There are a lot of things that bug me so it wasn't all that difficult to come up with this list. However, 20 bugs is a lot of bugs and it really takes some thought to think of stuff that bugs me that much. I probably could keep going and list more, but there are actually on a few things that truly bug me too much.