Tuesday, September 4, 2018

2A-Bug List

  1. The rest of my house is cold, but my room is always sticky hot keeping me up at night. Why does the bug exist? My room is furthest in the house from the heating and cooling unit, pumping a lot of cool air into the rest of the hose but bot making it to my room. 
  2. My cell phone does not charge sometimes if the charger isn't resting in my phone at the perfect angle. Why does the bug exist? The charging ports on iPhones are not made well and likely on purpose so the phone will last you 2-3 years and you will have to purchase a new one. 
  3. When people will drive way over the speed limit on the rock road back by my house causing dust to fly everywhere. Why does the bug exist? Well, for one we have rock roads which could be fixed if we forked over the cash and the other is people are in such a big hurry that they can't go the speed limit for the 100 yards of road. 
  4. The signal on my TV will go out sometimes when a large cloud passes over. Why does the bug exist? The service company that set up our DirecTV did not set the satellite up in a very good spot. 
  5. Especially in busy highway traffic when people will fail to use their turn signals and I miss an opportunity to pull out onto the highway. Why does the bug exist? People are often focused on other things than actually driving when they are driving. 
  6. Weather apps that say it is going to rain all day and it never ends up raining a drop. Why the bug exists? Not always their fault as weather does change by the minute, but maybe don't give it such a high percentage chance that I plan certain things expecting rain.
  7. When going to a drive-thru and they forget to give you a straw and napkins. Why the bug exists? They are often understaffed at these restaurants and constantly slammed causing the employees to forget stuff.
  8. I will order something online like a Publix sub and when I go to pick it up at the scheduled time they haven't even started making it yet. Why the bug exists? Another staffing issue where they are offering this online ordering service to cut down on lines but give priority to those in line. Some places get it right and have an employee just responsible for online orders.    
  9. The absolute biggest bug of mine, going to a movie and there are people talking during the entire showing. Why the big exists? Whether it was how they were raised or what, but people that do this have little respect for others. 
  10. Working on something for school, work, or anything that is obviously consuming my attention at that time and friends or family wanting to ask me questions I don't have time for. Why the bug exists? There isn't a great area for me to get away from everyone else for a minute to complete what I need to finish ASAP. 
  11. Being at home or at anyone's house and the paper towels are out in the kitchen and all that is left on the holder is the cardboard from the paper towels. Why the bug exists? The person that grabs the last paper towel decides not to go get a new roll. 
  12. Leaving 2 pieces of candy in a bag or a couple crumbs of chips in a bag. Why the bug exists? The last person to grab some didn't want to be the one that finished them off and threw the bag away.
  13. When the somebody gets the wrong number and keeps calling back even though I answered and told them. Why the bug exists? After finding out the number you have for that person is the wrong number, they fail to delete the contact or change the number. 
  14. Going to any Walmart in the country and watching people leave their shopping carts in the middle of parking spots. Why the bug exists? Truly it's laziness to not walk their cart to one of the designated returns. 
  15. Customers that go to dine at restaurants and make it a mission to complain about everything to the point that free stuff is given. Why the bug exists? They don't understand how unfair that is to the employee that has to deal with it and no matter what they do it's wrong. 
  16. There are stoplights in areas on HWY98 that have no real need for them, but then in a heavy traffic area there isn't one. Why the bug exists? There is certain criteria for putting in a stoplight and it needs to be revisited. 
  17. A machine will be used at the gym and that person will have buckets of sweat pouring off them and when they are done get up and walk away without wiping down the machine. Why the bug exists? No respect for the next person that is going to want to use the machine. 
  18. Employees at the Destin McDonalds drive-thru window not saying anything when you pull up, just throwing the food at you. Why the bug exists? They aren't trained to have any customer service or the personality would just be better suited elsewhere. 
  19. All of those that dig holes on the beaches and don't fill them in. Why the bug exists? Obviously those that come to the beach and vacation are not educated on the dangers this causes for turtles. 
  20. When someone does an interview on TV and they aren't looking at the interviewer, but rather directly into the camera. Why the bug exists? Not really sure on this one. If you watch your interview back you will realize that it is just weird to watch. 
Reflection: There are a lot of things that bug me so it wasn't all that difficult to come up with this list. However, 20 bugs is a lot of bugs and it really takes some thought to think of stuff that bugs me that much. I probably could keep going and list more, but there are actually on a few things that truly bug me too much.   


  1. Hey Brody, I think you had a great list of bugs here. I appreciate how in depth and detailed you were describing each bug, it made for a great read. I also think you thought very creatively on some of them, like the interview bug and the person being interviewed not looking back at the tv. It's something I never would've thought of. Also along the lines of social norms, I also have experienced the same bug you've experienced at the McDonald's drive through line in Destin.

  2. Hello Brody, twenty bugs is was a lot for me to think of for this assignment. I appreciate the attention to detail in your bugs and the 'ask why' part. I also hate when the workers at McDonalds are rude and not trained properly on customer service. Also, I can not stand how the Iphones are meant to just stop charging so that you have to buy a new phone. Maybe one day some of these bugs will be fixed.

  3. Hi, Brody, I agree coming up with 20 bugs is a lot. It took me a while to think of a few as well. I can definitely relate to quite a few of your bugs, especially the one about publix subs not even being started in time for you to pick it up. I too have a publix that does that and I have learned that it is due to a staffing issue. You were thorough with your bugs and explaining why.

  4. Hi Brody, I can relate to the fact that a lot things bugging me in my life. I will admit it was somewhat difficult to come up with this list because we really overlook the things that do. The bug that you had relating to the iPhone charger though is a bug I can relate to due to the fact that it is a constant issue. However, I hope most of your bugs are resolved for you or that you can resolve one yourself.
