Friday, September 21, 2018

7A-Testing the Hypothesis

Opportunity Hypothesis: An opportunity exists in wireless phone charging to fix the common issue of cell phones chargers breaking and phone charging ports malfunctioning.
The Who: IPhone owners
The What: They are forced to buy a new phone after only a couple years because the charging port begins to give out
The Why: Poor construction of the phone that wears down after plugging and unplugging so many times.
Testing the Who: Other phone owners I'm sure have this need because it is common among phone designers to make phones that will eventually need to be replaced. The first IPhone owner that I chose to interview is currently dealing with this issue and doesn't get their phone charged unless the cord is plugged in at the right angle.
Testing the What: Is it just the charging port on your phone or other aspects that are also wearing down? The battery is draining a little faster, but it would not be an issue if I could charge my phone more frequently.

Summary: To put it simply, there are many IPhone owners out there that desire a better way to charge their phone that won't put as much wear and tear on their charging port that will break eventually. Of the five people I discussed this opportunity with, 4 have had to get new phones at some point because it would no longer charge. What I also found interesting was these people also told me they go through numerous chargers over the course of a phone because even the charger itself is poorly constructed to not withstand everyday wear and tear. I asked the subjects also if they had looked into possibly buying a new type of phone or checking to see if there are alternative charging methods out there. The consensus was that they wanted to stick with IPhone and have explored wireless charging stations, but only one of the interviewees had purchased one. His experience with the charging station was not successful, but agrees that this is the direction someone needs to explore to fix the problem. A wireless form of charging would be in high demand to fix the issue, but it also has be reliable and not quit working after a few uses.   


  1. Hey Brody, great blog post, love the depth and detail you went into on this one. I definitely agree that there is certainly a market for wireless phone chargers. This is a product that I would certainly use, and I'm sure you'd feel the same way. This is a similar thought process I went through with my own blog posts. Great work.

  2. Hi, Brody. This is definitely a problem that I come across, having a bad charging port that I've had to either get fixed or get a new phone. Especially with the battery slowly getting worse and worse, that's another issue that's incorporated with the original problem. Definitely a good problem that affects a lot of people.
