Friday, September 21, 2018

8A-Solving The Problem

Most phones that I have owned have eventually had charging ports that begin to wear down and I believe it is designed this way on purpose so that you will have to buy a new phone after a couple years. I understand they are trying to run a profitable business, but phone owners should be able to get more use out of their phone than they are currently getting. What I have found is that a new phone manufacturer is not something that IPhone owners are interested in. They just want a better way to currently charge their IPhone. The product I believe can fill this need is a reliable form of wireless charging. There are already some wireless charging docks and mats out there, but every one I have found has failed to be reliable. Poor reviews and no reviews at all on some wireless charging products is what I have found.
See the source image

Something very similar to this charging pad pictured is the product that I would sell to customers. As you can see the IPhone charger still plugs into the pad, but there is no need to actually plug into the phone. The charging port will not wear down causing customers to have to position the charger at the perfect angle if they even want their phone to charge and eventually wearing down completely. The phones won't last forever because of this as the battery and other functions of the phone will quit working at some point, but the phone life will be prolonged to give customers their moneys worth.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Brody. This is a great Idea! I have seen other phone companies have this, but iPhone does not. You need some extra accessories for something like this, but this is such a great idea. It's a product so many people can use and it would make so many people's lives easier.
