Friday, September 28, 2018

9A-Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: There are people that fall outside the boundary of needing a wireless form of charging for their phones. They have the same things in common, they are iphone users, chargers are always breaking, and the charging port on their phone is eventually a hassle. These people though value what a wired charger is able to do for them though. They value the importance of being able to still use their phone and charge it at the same time for however far their cord reaches.
What: After interviewing the people now that did not have interest in the unmet need I identified it is clear there is always going to be another need. What I proposed was a wireless charging mat, but that would not work for those that want to operate their phone while it is charging.
Why: The needs are essentially the same for both groups of people. They both agree that it would be best to have a wireless way to charge their phone. Those outside the boundary just have a few more needs that would have to be met to make it worth changing from their current situation.

Inside the boundary                                                                               Outside the boundary 

Who is in: Those who have had to buy new phones                           Who is not: Non iphone users 
because their charging port gave out, people tired of going               (to begin with at least) and those
through new chargers because the cord snaps or tears, and               require being able to use their
households that have numerous iphones that would                        phone while charging.
all be able to charge on the same mat.                                          What the need is not: A form of
What the need is: A way to charge their phone                            charging that limits what you are able
that does not require plugging and unplugging                           to do on your phone while it is
that wears down their phone and charger.                                   being charged.
Why the Need Exists: Phones and chargers                               Alternative Explanations: There could
really are not cheap so you can understand the                         still be a need, but it will take a more
frustration of these items not being durable.                            advanced product and cost will likely
                                                                                                  be higher.


  1. Great work, Brody. I like how detailed you were when you established your boundaries with your opportunity. I think your opportunity is definitely a necessity to a lot of people, as I can definitely relate to the opportunity you've presented. I've definitely found myself needing a way to wirelessly charge my own cell phone. I think these would also work very well in high density commercial areas, like malls, or airports.

  2. Hey Brody, another great assignment. I was very fond of how you were able to establish the boundaries for which your opportunity can reach. In addition to the detailing as to why your opportunity does not satisfy all customers. For instance, the fact that people want to be able to use their phone while its charging which the wireless pad cannot provide to the user.
