Thursday, September 6, 2018

3A-Your Entrepreneurship

 During the past two years of my life I have been exposed to entrepreneurship and I have been able to experience everything about a business, good and bad. My Father had a business opportunity come up that our family had been familiar with prior, but knew that it would entail much more should he choose to acquire the business. After deciding that now was the right time he went through with purchasing Coon Creek RV Park and Lodge. The initial hurdle with the new venture was the difficulty of hiring affordable help with extremely flexible hours. The park and the lodge fluctuate heavily in terms of being busy and with this so does the need for workers. In order to get his feet under him he needed to call on some family members for help and I was happy to come work for him. Being around the business has been a learning experience for us all and fortunately only once have we really felt the pressures of needing to turn a profit. I have learned how much of a risk launching your own business can be, but also have seen the great benefits when the market demand is high.
 See the source image

I am a Sport Management student at the University of Florida so entrepreneurship isn't necessarily a quality that would be at the forefront of my studies for my future career, but I can absolutely see its applications being useful in many paths. I enrolled in ENT3003 to fulfill a portion of my sport management elective requirement. This wasn't the only reason as there were other course options. Though, out of them all I believed that Principles of Entrepreneurship could potentially be more of service to me than another accounting course for example. I hope to learn more about entrepreneurship and what qualities are necessary for success should I choose to operate a business one day.         

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Brody, I am an English major and I too think that entrepreneurship will be useful to continuing with any career I choose. Having a class like this is a great tool in your tool belt and will help with having a good sense about business (which is something everyone needs). That's good that you were exposed to business in a familial sense. Being familiar with the ins and outs of business will definitely help with processing the work in the class.
