Friday, November 2, 2018

19A-Idea Napkin No. 2

1. You.  I'm a passionate person that whenever I get rolling on something I will basically plan the rest of what's going on in my life around it. Failure is not something that I find enjoyable and I don't plan on failing at this. This business concept with receive my full attention because not only do I have the need for the product, but I also want others to be able to experience the conveniences of this product. 
2. What are you offering to customers? The product is a wireless charging station for cell phones and it will meet the need for a form of charging that does not result in future costs due to breaking cords and worn down phone charging ports. It will also be one that you allows you to use your in moderation while it is still charging, a unique feature that the few charging stations out there do not offer. 
3. Who are you offering it to? All of my customers will have in common that they are cell phone users. They will be split into two groups; one being iphone users and one being android users. The product will offer the feature of charging up to 4 cell phones or two tablets at one time. What is unique to our product is that we are offering it to a much larger pool of cell phone owners. Current wireless chargers only function with a select group of phones, but our design allows for many more phones. 
4. Why do they care? People will care because not only will this charging station be cooler and more "high tech", but easier in the end and that's important to most people. Customers will pay the money for this product because it will potentially save them money in the long haul. There will also be a group that purchases the product because of the convenience of not having to plug and unplug your phone.  
5. What are your core competencies? There are not a lot of products on the market like this and the phone companies will not offer something like it because the current way of charging actually creates more revenue for them. This station will charge your phone and you will still have the ability to use it while charging unlike other products.  They want you to have to spend money on new chargers because they snap and new phones because the port gives out and will no longer charge. 

I received great feedback and a lot of it echoed some of the concerns I had already been having. The two ideas that stood out were the need to be able to use the phone while charging and the importance of creating a product unlike any other out there. I have addressed these and modeled around this in the second idea napkin. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brody, I can see you have a steady platform with everything you've stated in your idea napkin. Plus everything that you have to offer matches up with the need of the target customers that you had addressed. I also had to adjust the way I portrayed my product and provide further info on how beneficial it is and the purpose it is serving.
