Friday, November 2, 2018

20A-Growing Your Social Capital

1) A support person for "Seneo" wireless phone chargers.
2) Domain expert because he is employed by a company that sells wireless phone chargers. 
3) The Seneo Facebook page where there was a contact to ask questions about their product. 
4) They generously answered a couple of questions I had about their product and it's capabilities. Knowing this gives me a better idea how my design would compare to their product. 
5) Including him in my network is a great resource for when it comes to actually designing our product. Features that they came up with might be something we look at and most importantly looking at what they lack to try to add to our design. 
1) The manager for Verizon in Destin, FL. He has been in the cell phone industry for 10 years now and has dealt with all of the latest phones and the purchasers of them. 
2) Market expert. He has extensive connections and knowledge about the cell phone market and our product will be an accessory for cell phones. 
3) The Manager has been a friend of my family for years now ever since we moved to the area. 
4) He answered a lot of my questions for how I could go about entering my market and what the first step is for getting the product on shelves. The only return he is expecting is for his store to see the product when finished and consider whether they want to sell it in their store or not,. 
5) Phones and phone chargers go hand in hand. This would be a great place to sell our product and also obtain information or recommendations from people that work with cell phone customers every day. Nobody will know better than them if this is something people would purchase. 
1) A CYD Electronics employee. He has supplied USB chargers among many other electronics to phone companies for years. 
2) Supplier. They supply electronics that will be necessary for our charging stations. 
3) The contact us link on their website. It took a little while and he gave generic answers at first, but then I was able to obtain an email address. 
4) It wasn't an extensive exchange, but he didn't have to answer questions that I did ask anyways so I was thankful. He told me about some of the products they offer and if he can meet some of the needs for my design. In return I said I would purchase from them when the final designs are ironed out. 
5) Suppliers are vital to our success. Having a good one that offers all of our product needs is important so we don't have to deal will numerous companies. Buying many electronics all in bulk will allow us to keep prices low. 
In the future I hope to have more specific question that I can ask and more importantly know exactly what we will need for our product. When everything is finalized we will be able to get more out of the networking because they will have a better for feel for what we are looking at. 


  1. Hi Brody, I found it interesting how all of the people that you needed to network with were easy to reach. My experience was different because I had to speak to people I didn't know at all. So reaching to them on platforms from just calling, emailing, and social media was quite the experience. However, similar to you I know how to better prepare myself in the future if a similar event arises.

  2. Hey Brody, I love your post here. I like the detail you went into, I can tell the interviews were very thorough. You got very qualified people to talk to about your product, market, and industry. It is very evident that these interviews were likely very helpful. I can relate because these interviews were also very helpful to my as well.
