Thursday, November 29, 2018

27A-Reading Reflection No. 3

The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users, Guy Kawasaki
1. The general theme for this book is how to use the major social media networks and it describes just this through over one hundred tips.
2. This book is full of great information and tips that are helpful for anyone that is wanting to use social media whether it be for business or personal use. In ENT3003 I have realized that social media can be a huge asset for an entrepreneur and can contribute to your success. All of the tips that Kawasaki mentions could help with this success. For example, he talks about why it is important to understand what your audience values when thinking of what to post.
3. Create a social media page for your product or business and focus on five tips from the The Art of Social Media when starting up your page.
4. There were a few things I read where I sort of had an 'aha' moment and it was because they were ideas that I had never thought to look at in that way. They talk about being a 'mensch' on social media meaning to be honorable and do somethings for others without expecting anything in return. Doing so will really change the way your audience views your content.


  1. Hey Brody, great post. That books sounds pretty interesting to me. I would love to read it. I love learning things and gaining tips for social media would be awesome. I read the Steve Jobs book and would highly recommend it if you have not read it before. Im sure this has great information for anybody that uses social media when starting a page.

  2. Hi Brody, once again another great post. The book that you read is seems really knowledgeable. The use of social media is something that I implemented a lot into my opportunities. I feel like this book would be a huge benefit to me in establishing more ways I could use social media to my advantage.

  3. Hey Brody, great work as always. I think you made an excellent choice here with the book you read. I think learning about the power of social media is super important in today's world with the growing importance of technological competency requirements and the increasing relevance in social media especially in the business world. Wonderful analysis on the book, as well.
