Thursday, November 15, 2018

23A-Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

1. Reliable contacts at Best Buy, T-Mobile, and AT&T: Having these are very valuable to get the product on the shelf initially, get us our start. It's not all that rare though and easy for someone else to obtain contacts of this degree. 
2. Knowledge about technology and specifically what other tech people want: Meaning that I believe I provide a value nobody else can truly match or possess when it comes to knowing what people want out of this product. Smartphones have been around for a long time now and nobody has yet to create a reliable product that fills these needs, so I have to assume nobody with the right connections possesses this vision.
3. Engineering and computer design connections: They would help to design a prototype, but really these connections don't provide as much value as I really need. This isn't their specialty and I wouldn't consider their skill set for this field to be rare. 
4. Investors that already believe in the product and willing to jump on board: This financial resource is probably the most valuable resource we have. For a product like this to manufacturer it up to our specifications is going to be costly. Thankfully I have friends and family members that are investors and they have friends that also have friends and they all will potentially invest. I would consider to these investors rare because I feel like I know a lot more than most people would, but that's not say someone else couldn't obtain just as many.
5. Personal savings that I am willing to commit: Not a lot value compared to how much the investors would be able to contribute. Therefore, not rare, easy for someone else to be able to commit more. 
6. A currently unique design: I have never seen a charging station like this that can charge up to four devices, different types of phones, and be able to use it while it is wirelessly charging. How rare it is provides the value of this resource. In a way it could be copied, but if we secure a patent for the design they would have to figure out another way to accomplish these things.
7: Easy to acquire technology products: There is a lot of value in this because it is vital to building the products, but anyone can acquire them and they might even have connections to get cheaper supplies.
8: Over 6 billion potential customers, anyone with a cellphone: This is what separates this market from all other markets. So many people now have phones and technology is in. There are a lot of customers out there. They are also available to every other person in the cell phone accessory business. 
9. A unique appeal for why people need this: Not many people are willing to separate them selves from the actual phone companies, but for us to get people motivated to purchase this we think we need to. It's not right that cell phones are being designed to not last so you have to buy a new one after a few years. Not many other companies will replicate this position because it is a risk.
10: International business community contacts: I don''t have near as many as someone that is based overseas would have, but I do have friends and family that work for large corporations based internationally and these white collar workers I believe will be our largest customers.

The unique design is the most valuable resource. Personally I have only ever seen a wireless charger that charges one phone at a time and it has to be a certain iPhone. It also only charges if you leave your phone right there, can't even sit on the couch and use your phone while it is charging. This resource is the best thing going for us. The functions could be copied, but the design itself will hopefully allow us to secure a patent.


  1. Hi Brody, another great post once again. I feel that you have a substantial amount of ventures. They each provide a different quality that shows why your company will last. Furthermore, each one can be utilized to maximize the capabilities of company. This will allow the company to grow in every way possible.

  2. Hi, Brody. This is a great post. You have a lot of great resources and they will definitely come to your advantage. Having these resources will definitely help you in shaping your product and business and knowing how to market it. This was a really great exercise and I think you got a lot of good resources out of it as well. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hey Brody, nice post. I agree that the unique design would be the best resource. It would be so convenient for people and I believe it would be fantastic. Everybody who has a cell phone could use this product and that is another great resource. There are so many people that have this need.
