Friday, November 9, 2018

21A-Reading Reflection No. 2

 How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Scott Adams

1. The general theme of this book by Scott Adams is that you can fail time and time again, but still achieve what you want to and Scott gives first hand examples for why this true.
2. Scott Adams is the creator of one of the biggest comic strips out there. He has a net worth of $75 million. However, success wasn't all he experienced and along these lines is the take away that could connect to ENT3000. You are going to fail as an entrepreneur, many of the best have numerous times, but you can still win big. He talks about attitude and how having a positive attitude is key to success. You can't just have a positive attitude in certain moments, but all the time.
3. Make sure to focus on systems rather than goals. Create an exercise related to our current ideas that we have been running with now and move away from goal-oriented ideas that we have for our product or business. Create a system-oriented approach to attain what you desire from your idea.
4. Scott Adams talked about passion and more so how it doesn't cause success. This wasn't something I had thought of before. He says that it is actually the other way around. This was sort of eye opening for me and makes me question whether having a passion for something is a good enough reason to pursue it.


  1. Hello Brody, great post. I read this same book and loved it. He showed how you can fail so much and still be successful. I had not thought of that before reading this book. I thought if you had a passion for something that you should go for it. I love learning new things because it always gives you a new perspective.

  2. Hi, Brody. This is a great post. I think this book has a great theme to it. It's important for entrepreneurs to learn that failure is going to inevitable, but we need to learn how to grow from it. I think your idea for an exercise is a great idea. Learning how to use a concrete way of thinking to get to an ideal. Keep up the good work!

  3. Hi Brody, great post once again. From what the author of your book was discussing it is evident that there were valuable lessons to be learned from the book. In addition, you idea for an exercise was very creative and is one that people could actually benefit from. Furthermore, I am interested in reading this book to gain further knowledge on the subject matter.
