Friday, November 9, 2018

22A-Elevator Pitch No. 3

2) I was not able to submit my elevator pitch for reasons that were entirely my bad with poor planing ahead. Therefore, I went off of feedback I received in the past. The two major things I was told to improve from a previous elevator pitch was to get to the point faster and have a better stance (I was swaying a lot, bad habit).
3) I made it clear pretty quick that I'm pitching a wireless phone charging station and this is exactly what it will do for you. In addition, I did my best keep a solid stance and avoid swaying or slumping in order to avoid distracting my audience.


  1. Hi, Brody. This is a great post. This is some great feedback you got and you definitely learned from it. You were concise and to the point with your elevator pitch and you were much more confident in this one. I think being confident in your elevator pitch will triumph over any other thing that goes into your pitch. And I think you did a great job. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Brody, great post once again. I truly believe that you have improved greatly from your last elevator pitch; you executed well on the feedback that was given to you. Overall this was a great elevator pitched and you have mastered the skill of speaking and portraying the subject matter.

  3. Hey Brody, great work once again. Your pitch was solid, and I think you made a lot of great points. I like how you admitted your flaws in your previous poor planning, and turned it into a positive by being resilient and executing your plans better this time around. I think you definitely learned from previous experiences and were able to really put what you learned into your pitch.
